
Professional Development grants assist professional artists, cultural practitioners, production and technical personnel, and arts administrators with specific, short-term learning activities intended to advance their practice or career. Activities should lead to clearly articulated learning or career outcomes, goals, or objectives.

Grants are not intended to support the creation of new work, research (unless it is directly related to the learning activity), self-directed learning, full-time studies, or travel expenses that are associated with auditions, attending conferences, showcases or events focused on presentations.

Program Guidelines (PDF)

Application Checklist (PDF)

Application Preview (Word)

Review the Program Guidelines to learn about:

  • How to apply
  • Who can apply
  • Eligible projects and expenses
  • Exclusions
  • Grant amounts
  • What is needed for the application, including support material
  • How applications will be assessed

Please review the Program Guidelines before contacting the Program Advisor.

Applications are currently being accepted until September 4, 2024.


Program and Guideline Overview
This video is from 2023. Please be sure you are referencing the 2024 Guidelines and contacting current Program Advisors if you have questions.

Application Overview
This video is from 2023. Please be sure you are referencing the 2024 Application Preview and contacting current Program Advisors if you have questions.

Application Assistance
Provides funding for support services for creating and submitting grant applications.

Access Support
Provides additional funding that contributes to access costs associated with creating or developing a project funded by a BC Arts Council grant.


How to Apply

Applications are submitted through the Grant Management System.

New applicants must register and create a profile in the online system. Once the registration request is submitted, it may take up to four business days to process your request.

Apply Now